Novel Porphyrin Functionalised Graphene Nanoribbons With Emergent Sensor and Nanoelectronics Applications

Project Description

We have demonstrated the growth of novel one-dimensional nanostructures by direct integration of porphyrin (Py) molecules into graphene nanoribbons (GNR), via on-surface synthesis methods, using known and novel precursors. These nanostructures, termed porphyrin-functionalised graphene-nanoribbons (Py fGNRs), exhibit significantly different electronic, chemical, transport and optical properties than pure GNR or Py. Developing electronic devices using Py-GNRs has the potential for enhanced and emergent functionality in nanoscale devices In particular, the versatile chemical functionality of the different transition metals within the integrated-porphyrin macrocycle (TM-Py), will determine much of these electronic, optical, and useful chemical properties, as well as defining the exciting transport and spin-transport properties. This project addresses important problems in synthesizing Py- GNRs for use in sensing and electronic applications. Py-fGNRs will be investigated via both Py-fGNR network and individual PyfGNR device integration strategies. Py-fGNR formation by self-assembly from precursor materials through thermally activated reactions will be studied. The physical structure, chemical and electronic properties of Py-fGNRs will be characterised by surface probe microscopies, Raman, optical and synchrotron-based x-ray spectroscopies, by theory and by optical femtosecond pumpprobe experiments. These technically demanding tools will validate our approach, measuring characteristics of Py-fGNRs, allowing for future tailored design and synthesis strategies while exploring initial applications.

Internal Collaborators

Tony Cafolla, Mary Pryce

External Collaborators

Prof. Cormac McGuinness, Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Alexi Preobrajenski, Lund University Sweden
Prof Mathias Senge, Trinity College Dublin