Nano-structured high-resolution ultra thin layer chromatography systems

Project Description

This project examines thin film chromatography sheet texturing and functionalisation. This work has encompassed laser texturing of COP, laser ablation for carbon nanoparticle fabrication, and functionalisation of the textured polymer surface with the fabricated nanoparticles. Detailed characterisation of these platforms has led to three accepted peer reviewed publications and two currently under review. Work includes the development of a laser-fabricated Ultra-Thin Layer Chromatograph (UTLC) platform. A comparison of the new UTLC platform with existing commercial technologies is underway. This work will be performed using commercial planar separation dye mixtures, and will allow benchmarking of the new UTLC platform with existing commercial systems and those reported in literature. The UTLC platform will also be applied towards the separation of chemically similar diterpene compounds. Specific diterpene compounds, cafestol and kahweol, have been identified in literature as cholesterogenic in nature, and their separation from complex matrices is now of renewed interest.

Internal Collaborators

Funding Body