Lampros Nikolopoulos


Currently, I am Associate Professor in the School of Physical Sciences, DCU.

Generally my research domain is the theoretical Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (AMO). The bulk of my research is in the theory and high-performance computation models of intense laser-atom dynamics.

My past professional posts include several research institutes in Europe; namely, in chronological order, the Institute of Electronic Structure/IESLFORTH, Greece; the Max–Planck Institute for Quantum Optics/MPQ, Garching, Germany; the Physics and Astronomy Institute, Aarhus, Denmark; the School of Mathematics and Physics, QUB, United Kingdom. My publications include two books (2019, 2022) and more than 100 peer-reviewed international research articles.

Research Expertise

Theoretical Atomic and Optical Physics with emphasis in strong laser-matter interactions. Research interests: - Dynamics of quantum systems in strong and ultrashort electromagnetic fields - Atomic and molecular structure theoretical methods - Free Electron Laser (FEL) radiation sources - Ultrafast optical processes (attosecond laser physics) - Nanosystems in strong laser fields (e.g. quantum dots) - High Performance Computing methods (Parallel algorithms and platforms (GPU)) - Stochastic modelling of physical processes