Inam Ul Ahad

Dr Inam Ul Ahad is Assistant Professor in Advanced Manufacturing in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Dublin City University. Dr Ahad is a Principal Investigator in the Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre, Dublin City University. Dr Ahad earned his M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Dr Ahad completed Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme and received his PhD degree in Electronics jointly from Dublin City University, Ireland and Military University of Technology, Poland. Dr Ahad has worked in world leading companies in biomedical engineering, Gambro, Siemens and Philips Medical Systems.
Research Expertise
Dr Ahad main area of research is focused around development of sensors for industrial applications, new materials and in-situ process monitoring techniques for additive manufacturing, enhancement of corrosion resistance using laser based techniques, technology transfer and prototype development. Dr Ahad has participated in seven European Consortia including (EXTATIC, Laser lab Europe, COST Action MP1203, COST Action MP 1401, CEZAMAT, and ACTTiVAte) related to multidisciplinary fields. These projects are related to applications of EUV and Soft x-ray (SXR) in science and technology and assessment of technologies to identify new cross border value chains across four industry sectors (healthcare, agro-food, ICT and aerospace). Dr Ahad is leading two Erasmus+ ICM programmes in DCU.